Texas Attorney for  Victims Against Healthcare Providers

Vulnerable Adult victim of Sex Abuse
Texas Attorney for Sexual Abuse Victims against Healthcare Providers.
Healthcare providers who sexually abuse their patients, clients and students answer to the legal system.

Society trusts medical and mental health practitioners with themselves and their children.

Few people are more vulnerable than those who are receiving treatment from a counselor, doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist.

For this reason, it is illegal in Texas for a mental health services provider to have a sexual relationship with a patient, regardless of their age. Such a relationship is never consensual.

Elderly patients or residents in a nursing home and hospitals are also targets for some sex abusers. Often, the abuse occurs at the hands of a caregiver who is improperly employed or  supervised.

Adult victims of sexual exploitation also have specific rights and remedies under Texas law.


If the organization or practice group that hired the abuser did not look into his or background and make sure they were psychologically fit, then you may have a civil case against that practice group also.

If you are a victim of sex abuse by a psychologist, psychiatrist or counselor, or if your family member suffered abuse in a hospital or nursing home, you should contact police to report the incident. Next, you should contact a lawyer for information about your civil law options.

Here are some guidelines for reporting sexual abuse.